“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”
- Paulo Coelho
Retreats offer an enriching opportunity to immerse in the spectacular beauty of nature as you begin or evolve your journey and reach purpose-driven goals. Participants have a unique opportunity to escape the noise and clutter of daily life, press the “pause” button, and listen to their hearts and soul. I aim to create the best possible experience and craft agendas with group activities and sharing, 1:1 time with me to explore your goals, and quiet time for reflection and rest.
Retreats are designed for private and semi-private experiences and offered in 3, 5, and 7-day formats. Individual coaching sessions are included before and following the retreat to support you as you reflect, integrate, and grow. Every journey is individual, even if experienced in a group environment. Every experience includes opportunities to dig deep into your soul, visualize your dreams, and create an intentional path to your goals.
My intention is to resume retreats in late 2024 or early 2025 - and likely begin with private charters. So if you have a group of four or five individuals seeking a introspective journey, please connect with me here - or - schedule a chat using the calendar below!
Ready to Retreat? ♡
Me, too! ♡
If you’re interested in private charted retreat formats (with up to five participants) please feel free to schedule some time to chat